Walking guy texting
avatarBy Vahagn Aydinyan

Canada has a dynamic economy. Whether it’s the restaurant business in Toronto or oil extraction in Alberta, the country has thousands of exciting companies in countless industries. With all that competition, advertising is important. That’s where SMS marketing comes in.

SMS marketing – often called “text message marketing” – is a large and growing part of the advertising business. In fact, Transparency Market Research expects the industry to grow by 4.2% per year until 2020. These types of small businesses in Canada are already benefitting from the boom:

Auto Garage

Car service garages are taking advantage of SMS marketing in a big way. These companies use text message marketing campaigns to keep contact with existing customers (customers can opt-in to receive marketing materials after purchasing services from the company).

Keeping customers informed about promotions and deals, and reminding them to come in for oil changes and scheduled services, can boost your garage’s chances for repeat business. We all know that keeping a customer is just as important as gaining a new one.

Lesson: SMS is a great tool for developing and maintaining a loyal customer base.

Apparel store

Imagine walking into a clothing store planning to buy a shirt. The sales rep offers you a 10% discount on any shirt you want. All you have to do is opt-in to receiving a coupon via SMS. You’ll probably opt-in, get the coupon and buy the shirt, right? You might even come back the next time you need a new outfit.

Now look at it from the store owner’s perspective. You make a small investment to send out a text message coupon. In return, you have the customer opt-in to receiving future discounts and information about new products and brands. That’s a good deal both for customers and the apparel store.

Lesson: SMS marketing helps increase sales by reaching targeted customers with coupons and promotional materials.

Real Estate

The real estate business is all about getting the right information to the right people at the right time. Successful realtors are able to deliver targeted info (locations, costs, etc.) to interested buyers. A great way to do this is through SMS-powered banners. The banner gives potential customers the option to receive info via SMS for the property on which the banner is placed.

Lesson: SMS delivers customizable messages to potential customers, increasing the chances of conversion.


Thousands of gyms in Canada use text messages to keep up with potential and existing customers. It’s a great way to get a call to action out to as many people as possible. Customers can opt-in to receive SMS content from your gym by texting the number you provide on a banner or newspaper advertisement.

SMS marketing is also an effective tool for client relationship management (CRM). You can send workout schedule reminders, customized dieting information, and other useful content to keep customers motivated.

Lesson: Text messages are a great way for business to ensure that the customer feels valued.


Non-profit organizations like charities and medical service providers use SMS messages to reach out to beneficiaries. They also use them to maintain contact with donors. Sweden’s Stockholm Blood Services sends a real-time text message alert to donor’s when their blood is being used. By letting them know they’re saving someone’s life, the organization reminds donors of the value of their contribution. This motivates them to keep coming back.

Lesson: SMS marketing lets you send the right message, at the right time, for the right cause.

SMS marketing is growing for a variety of reasons and the best thing about it is that it gives marketers the opportunity to customize the message. By engaging with customers in a social context, text message marketers create real relationships with clients, leading to higher sales both today and tomorrow.

At TTAG Systems we can help you to implement custom integrated SMS+NFC+MMS+Web Marketing Campaigns of any complexity. Let our experts bring your business to the next level. Contact your Toronto SMS Marketing experts today for your next project.

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