Voting campaign DIY cover image

SMS Voting is a perfect tool for collecting, analyzing and illustrating real-time voting results from live events and presentations. Also, it is a perfect tool for TV and Radio audiences to engage and measure viewership. SMS Voting helps to engage a specific audience and collect high quality and relevant statistics.

STEP 1: Login to Your Account

Log in to your account and click ‘Create Campaign’ on upper right corner of the dashboard and select ‘Voting’.

Voting campaign button screenshot

STEP 2: Setup Your Voting Campaign

Select the number from which you want to send the message.

select campaign number to send the vote message

Select campaign type (subscription or non-subscription).

select subscription type

Create campaign keyword; it must be memorable and relevant to the topic. E.g: PROMOS

Write a welcoming message. E.g: Thank you for attending our event today. Please vote for your preferred way of receiving promotional content.

Setup your voting campaign

STEP 3: Create Options for Voting

creating options for voting campaign

STEP 4: Create Confirmation Message

The confirmation message is the message customers receive after completing the vote. E.g: Thank you for your contribution. 

voting campaign confirmation message

STEP 5: Preview, Launch, Test

After saving the campaign you can preview and launch it. Test the campaign before starting to ask your audience to respond to it.

STEP 6: Distribute

Start distribute you message to your audience. It is up to you how to deliver the campaign keyword to the particular audience.

Go to statistics dashboard click on Analytics button under upper right dropdown menu.

Survey analytics button highlight screenshot

Select the campaign you want to analyze.

Campaign analytics selection highlight screenshot

With textLabTM SMS Marketing Software you can create engaging and interactive mobile marketing campaigns to quickly engage customers who like to text. Let our experts bring your business to the next level. Contact your Toronto SMS Marketing experts today for your next project.


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