For a hopeless tech romantic like myself, the Mobile World Congress 2016 in Barcelona offered an irresistible window into the future. Walking through the halls of power at the MWC 2016 and taking in the displays and boards of thousands of industry leaders—including the Avant Garde prophesying the future of IT telecom technology—I realized that there are few quick fixes to help the average medium to small-sized service provider immediately increase their footprint in this fast and furious market.
Seriously, if you aren’t a Mobile Network Operator, or at least an MVNO (I’m not talking about software or hardware production companies because their business cycles are different from service-oriented companies), it’s pretty difficult to benefit in the short-term from trends like “Getting ready for 5G”, “Reality Virtualization”, or even the “Internet of things”—the latter being the closest thing to an actual possibility because it promises new services and new revenues. Implementation is costly, and the modern consumer is a tough nut to crack—unless your brand was pioneered by the late Steve Jobs.
So, what did MWC 2016 hold in store for me? My business is service oriented, I’m looking for new customers, and I’m interested in 5G only on a personal level. Did I spend over 10k to travel to Spain for nothing? All of a sudden, I realized that my task at the Mobile Congress in Barcelona was like that of an old-timey gold prospector. I needed to wash out the unhelpful trends to find my very own piece of gold.
And I did. The trendiest of trends, “Gamification” is that one tiny piece of a precious metal that I was looking for. And it’s yuuuuuuge. Really. In a world of overfed consumers with attention spans more goldfish than human, in a marketplace saturated by Hurricane Katrina levels, how do we stand out to customers who are literally inundated with offers? Gamification might be the answer.
Gamification appeals to the passion and ardor of the consumer. It means letting them play, letting them enjoy the process of participating, and letting them win. People love that feeling, and it’s one of the few things in short supply in our hyper-rationalized, vapid world of nine-to-fivers.
We have only four seconds to catch the consumer’s attention, so let’s not waste it on insipid crap: maybe your product is decent, but the presentation is so boring that potential customers are dying of boredom. Whatever it is (food ordering service, clothing line, long distance calling app)—make it a game. And of course, let the customer win. People love bread and circuses, especially when you let them participate. That concept is only 2,000 years old. It’s about time you applied it.
And we can do that. You will be the gladiator, but the sword, shield, and trident are on us. We provide you a clear channel to customer engagement; the ability to engage on a much more intimate level with customers and customers-to-be.
They say that the new is the “well-forgotten old.” Let the principles that guide gamification—participation, spectacle, competition, and winning, things that were popular thousands of years before the era of mobile telecoms—work for your company’s benefit.
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