subway receipt offering free cookie for taking a survey
avatarBy Vahagn Aydinyan

One recent afternoon I stopped into my local KFC for a quick bite to eat. While I was paying for the meal the cashier told me about a reward KFC was offering. I could win a $500 gift card, and all I had to do was take an online survey. The URL was printed on my receipt.

I thanked her, stuffed the receipt in my wallet, and sat down to enjoy my Classic Burger. Then I rushed back to the office and finished up another hectic day. Caught up in the hustle and bustle, I forgot all about the survey. That $500 gift card will never be mine.

The next week I went to Subway for lunch, where I came across a similar offer. The only difference was that Subway was offering a free cookie for a 1-minute survey, also web-based. But instead of opening my cell phone browser, typing a URL and starting the survey, I sat down and bit into my Tuna Sub. Toronto is a big city, people are in a rush, and taking the time to fill out an online survey is a lot of hassle for someone on a 30-minute lunch break. So no survey, and no free cookie.

Being someone who works in the SMS marketing industry, these incidents got me thinking. What if, instead of giving me a URL and asking me to find the survey online, KFC or Subway had just sent me a text message survey? I could have completed it before leaving the restaurant. The company would have gotten valuable feedback from a loyal customer, and I might have been able to buy that new wardrobe I’ve been wanting.

In fact, a lot more companies could use text message surveys, including yours. The benefits are numerous. For one, it’s a lot more convenient for the customer than an internet survey. Think about what it requires: a mobile phone. Then, think of all the things it doesn’t require: internet access, loading the browser, entering passwords, entering the URL, etc. A simple SMS survey is easy and fast. And because SMS messages have a 99 percent open rate, chances are your survey will be filled out.

A text message survey can include an option allowing customers to opt-in to regular SMS updates. This puts them on a list to receive targeted SMS marketing materials about your company’s products and services. Offering a quick survey via text can help you win a customer for life.
Companies can also incentivize quick customer responses by offering in-store rewards. Subway had the right idea offering me a free cookie right there on the spot. If I hadn’t been so rushed, you can bet the house I would have completed it before leaving the restaurant. And the possibilities are endless. A free cup of coffee, fountain drink, whatever. But this great idea failed because the survey itself wasn’t convenient.

One aspect I love about SMS marketing is that it provides access to real-time analytics. I can track who is using my services, and where and when they‘re using them. SMS surveys offer the same benefit. Offering the survey via text allows you to track who is responding to it, where, and when. That’s a lot more difficult to do with other methods.

Ultimately, KFC and Subway’s mistake was that they didn’t make things easy enough for me. I was busy with my everyday activities, and I forgot all about the receipt in my wallet. Your customers are busy too, whether you own a coffee shop or auto parts store. Want to listen to what they have to say? Make it easy for them to speak.

With textLabTM you can create engaging and interactive mobile marketing campaigns to quickly engage customers who like to text. Let our experts bring your business to the next level. Contact your Toronto SMS Marketing experts today for your next project.

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