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How To Improve Customer Response Rate To Receipt Surveys

The blog post first published at The Huffington Post Canada. Getting customer feedback is an art of the business in itself. It shouldn't be an afterthought, especially when so much great information is there if you just ...

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Fast Food Receipt Surveys: Who Completes Them and Why

Surveys are an effective method for business owners and marketers to receive feedback from customers. Knowing which products and services most excite your clientele helps you serve them more effectively, leading to repea...

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How Live SMS Polling Can Enhance Your Live Events

Live polling is a great tool for collecting real-time statistics during an event or presentation. Speakers use 'live polling' to keep audience members engaged and to discover which aspects of the presentation they find m...

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Why Your Customers Actually Prefer Text Message Surveys

All businesses benefit from knowing more about their customers. Whether it’s a restaurant trying to discover customers’ favorite kinds of cheese or a clothing store deciding which brand of socks to put on the shelf, ...

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When You Want a Feedback from Customers Make It Easy for T...

One recent afternoon I stopped into my local KFC for a quick bite to eat. While I was paying for the meal the cashier told me about a reward KFC was offering. I could win a $500 gift card, and all I had to do was take an...

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