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SMS Customer Support: A Customer Experience

Every day more organizations and companies are adopting SMS for customer service. This isn’t too surprising since roughly 91 percent of the world adult population owns a cellphone, making mobile the dominant form of co...

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Using Two-Way Text Message Alert System During Building Lo...

In emergencies, the most important factor that will ensure safety is getting information out to the people who need it. For fire alarms, lock downs or other safety drills, it’s essential that people in the building kno...

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Short Code SMS Marketing Glossary

If you are just thinking of launching your short code SMS Marketing program there is a chance you'll stumble upon definitions that might be confusing. Canadian short codes and marketing programs running on those short co...

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  • In Misc
  • October 26, 2015

How to stop offshore spam calls: TTAG Investigates

On almost a daily basis, everyone interacts with some method of spam, especially in the form of email scams (phishing) or telephone scams (vishing). These scams are commonly used by fraudsters to trick people into giving...

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